
9-th (14) International Seminar on Ferroelastics Physics

Organizational fee

For the ordinary participant of conference the organizational fee is 4000 rbl., for students and post-graduate students - 2000 rbl.

The registration fee is transferred by bank transfer to the settlement account of the VSTU (see attachement) before 10. 07. 2018

For Russian participants only. Макет "договора об оказании услуг",  макет "акта о выполнении работ" и квитанция для перечисления оргвзноса с указанием банковских реквизитов ВГТУ  прилагаются. 

(A copy of the receipt confirming the transfer should be sent to the Scientific Secretary Ms. L.S.Stekleneva to e-mail <>)

After 10.07.2018 the registration fee increases to 5000 rubles for a regular participant and up to 3000 rubles for postgraduate students and students.

(Foreign participants can pay registration fee (4000 rbl.) during registration procedure.)

Квитанция ISFP-9 Orgvznos_.doc

* Договор + акт ISFP-9.doc